Bury Council Budget Liberal Democrat Group Statement

Liberal Democrat Council Group Leader, Councillor Tim Pickstone said:

“With this 6% council tax rise (actually 6.35% when you include the increases from Andy Burnham) Bury’s Labour Council have put Council Tax up a shocking 17% in three years.

At the same time they were asking Councillors to vote for cuts to jobs, services and care for vulnerable people totalling £32 million over three years – with precious little detail on what those cuts are.

They may be happy to to treat local residents like this, but we are not and we voted against this budget.”

The Liberal Democrat Group proposed an alternative budget which included an extra £10 million to fix roads and potholes which are in a terrible state. The borrowing was funded by savings from the amount paid out by the council in compensation claims for poor road surfaces.

They also proposed £500,000 to kickstart the Prestwich Town Centre Challenge to regenerate the village centre of Prestwich.

“We were bitterly disappointed that every single Labour and Conservative councillor voted against these sensible proposals. Our roads are in a terrible state and to vote against investment is a disgrace.”

More than 423,000 homes with Planning Permission waiting to be built

More than 423,000 homes have been given planning permission but are still waiting to be built, according to new research published today by the Local Government Association.

The study shows the backlog has grown by almost 16 per cent in the last year.

The figures also show that developers are taking longer to build new homes. It now takes 40 months, on average, from schemes receiving planning permission to building work being completed – eight months longer than in 2013/14.

The LGA, which represents 370 councils in England and Wales, says the new analysis underlines the need for councils to be given greater powers to take action on unbuilt land which has planning permission.

It says councils need powers to act on uncompleted schemes, including making it easier to compulsory purchase land where homes remain unbuilt, and to be able to charge developers full council tax for every unbuilt development from the point that the original planning permission expires.

No-one can live in a planning permission. Councils need greater powers to act where housebuilding has stalled.

Here in Greater Manchester the Spatial Framework says we need to find space for 227,000 new homes in the next 20 years.

Government must wake up to crisis facing NHS as A&E wait times hit record levels

NHS A&E waiting times have hit the worst levels on record.

This is yet more evidence of the growing crisis in our health and social care services, where staff are being put under great pressure and quality of care for patients is suffering.

When will the Government wake up to the fact that they urgently need to commit additional funding?

The Liberal Democrats are the only party being honest with the public that we will all need to chip in a little more by increasing income tax by a penny in the pound and ring-fencing that money specifically for the NHS and social care, as well as looking to bring health and care funding together into one dedicated tax in the longer term.

We have also urged the Government to bring together a cross-party convention on health and care, to consult with patients, the public and staff on the longer term funding settlement for these vital services.

Expert Health Panel calls for ring-fenced Health and Care Tax to replace National Insurance

A new tax earmarked solely for the NHS and social care is among the recommendations from a panel of 10 experts in a report on healthcare reform commissioned by the Liberal Democrats.

This heavyweight report, Health and Social Care: Delivering a Secure Funding Future, will form the blueprint of the Lib Dems’ ongoing healthcare policy.

The panel, which includes former chief executives of NHS England, the Royal College of Nursing, and the Patients Association, concluded that the NHS in England needs a real terms funding increase of £4bn in 2018-19 and further real terms increases of £2.5bn in each of the following two years.

In the short-term, the NHS funding gap could be bridged by an income tax increase. The Lib Dems have been calling for a penny on the pound in income tax to help fund the NHS. Longer-term, health and care funding should be brought together in a single ring-fenced tax to replace National Insurance, the report argues. The Lib Dems have previously campaigned for a dedicated health and care tax and a related review of National Insurance.

Other recommendations include:
Creating an Office for Budget Responsibility for Health
Introducing incentives to encourage people to save more towards adult social care
Additional revenue for local authorities to invest in public health
Reinstating the cap on the costs of adult social care
The panel also argued that consideration should be given to scrapping the total exemption from National Insurance Contributions for people who work beyond the age of 65. Liberal Democrat leader Vince Cable is considering this proposal for higher earners.

Lib Dem leader Vince Cable said:
“This specialist report provides some convincing answers on arguably the greatest domestic crisis facing the country: how to deal with the severe pressures on health and social care services. We must never again be in a position whereby funding is so short that more than 50,000 operations have had to be postponed over the course of a single month.

“The health and care budget should be financed by an earmarked tax, which could replace national insurance. Many of those previously strongly opposed now accept that, in the case of the NHS, there is a strong argument for a form of ringfenced tax.”

Professor Clare Gerada, former chair of the Royal College of General Practitioners, said:
“At a time when the NHS and social care face such immense pressures, policymakers must be willing to look at bold solutions in order to safeguard vital services for generations to come.

“Developing this report has been a welcome opportunity to explore ideas including the creation of a dedicated health and social care tax, which could help deliver the long-term funding that services desperately need. I hope policymakers of all parties will consider these recommendations seriously.”

Download the report here

Lib Dems mark the 100th anniversary of the Representation of the People Act

Yesterday marks the 100-year anniversary of female suffrage in the UK. Speaking on the centennial, President of the Liberal Democrats Sal Brinton said:

In the last 100 years there have obviously been massive changes for the role of women in society. We are more equal, we are treated more fairly, and we face fewer obstacles in our lives. But the job is not yet done. As women we are not yet truly equal, we are not yet treated fairly, and we still face obstacles in our lives.

“We are still behind in our politics and change must be led from the top. My granddaughters will be two this summer. At the current, glacial, rate of change they will be in their ninth decade before we have parity in the House of Commons. That is not good enough.”

Leader of the Liberal Democrats, Vince Cable added:

“Today, we celebrate 100 years since partial extension of the franchise to women. It is shocking to think that another decade had to pass before votes were offered on a fully equal basis.

“The causes both of gender equality and real democracy in the UK still have far to go. A century on, we still see unjustifiable gender pay gaps, and sexism remains a scourge in the workplace and throughout society.

“Parliament itself remains unrepresentative of society and of political opinion. The next historic battle for democratic rights in the UK is to extend the franchise to 16 and 17 year olds, and reform our broken electoral system so that every vote counts and all voices can properly be heard.”

Reporting Back: Bury Council Cabinet January 2018

Last week was the regular meeting of Bury Council’s ‘Cabinet’, the Committee of the eight Labour councillors who are Cabinet members. The two opposition leaders are allowed to attend but not vote, Councillor Tim Pickstone reports:

The main items on the agenda included:

The Homeless Reduction Act comes into force in April 2018. The new legislation focuses on early intervention and prevention. There are twelve clauses within the Act which means that the Councils approach to supporting people who are homelessness or approaching homelessness needs to be revised. The Council is doing a lot of proactive work preventing homelessness and doing better than most of our Greater Manchester neighbours.

I asked about what more could be done across Greater Manchester. The Major of Greater Manchester has promised to end rough sleeping completely by 2020. New figures released in January by the government show rough sleeping in the conurbation has gone up up 42% in the last 12 months. Manchester has three times the number of rough sleepers as Liverpool.

One good piece of news is that Greater Manchester has received £7 million of Government Funding to provide a number of housing projects to support homeless people.

Radcliffe Market
The Council has sought bids to run a different sort of market at Radcliffe Market, which is currently losing the Council money in an unsustainable way.

The Council is  looking to move away from the traditional market model due to a perceived lack of demand from both the public and stallholders The Council wish to put Food and Drink and evening entertainment at the heart of the offer at Radcliffe Market and is keen to expand on the number of days the site is open and also to extend its current Friday evening offer.

Radcliffe Market benefited from a £1 million refurbishment in November 2015. Now a new private sector operator will run the market with the specification including:

To hold markets on a minimum of three days a week.
To hold events on one or more evenings per week centered on food and drink. Day to day management of the market building and stallholders.

The Council will receive not rent from the private operator, but would take a small share of profits after reasonable costs have been covered by the company.

Full papers for the Cabinet are here.

Radcliffe East Lancashire Paper Mill Housing Plans
Not at the Cabinet but it did happen last week was the publication of plans to build 440 new houses on the site of the former East Lancashire Paper Mill in Radcliffe. Most of the land belongs to the Homes and Communities Agency, though some land belongs to the Council on what was meant to be the site of the Radcliffe Riverside School, plans which never happened, meaning that sadly there is no high school at all in Radcliffe.

There are some poster boards which promote the site which can be viewed here.

There is an online survey here: online survey  which will be open  until Wednesday 14th February 2018.

The Government can’t continue to tinker round the edges on surveillance

After yet another court defeat for the Government on mass surveillance, it’s time for them to overhaul the system to put protecting our freedoms & civil liberties at its heart, says Ed Davey MP:

The UK’s surveillance regime has once again been declared unlawful by the courts.

What we need is an overhaul of the system that puts protecting freedoms & civil liberties at its very core.

The Government cannot simply tinker around the edges and hope for a different result.

Liberal Democrats believe we can be safe and secure by ensuring surveillance is targeted and suspicion-led.

What we need is for our police and intelligence services to be given the resources and money they need to do their job, not endless new laws.

Regulator’s decision to block Murdoch’s £11.7bn takeover of Sky must be the end of this saga

It is not in a democracy’s interests to allow one group to have such potential power to shape public opinion. The regulator’s decision must now be the end of the Sky saga, says Vince Cable.

The Competition & Markets Authority has provisionally blocked Fox’s attempt to buy the 61% of Sky that it does not own already.

The Liberal Democrats have opposed the deal would result in a significant reduction in media competition with one family having too much power.

The CMA has reached the correct decision on the Murdochs’ attempt to take full control of Sky.

The full takeover would have concentrated too much of the British media in the hands of just one family.

Plurality of media ownership is vital.

It is not in a democracy’s interests to allow one group to have such potential power to shape public opinion.

This should now be the end of the matter.

Reducing Plastic Waste – Bury Takes a Stand

Bury Councillors made a commitment for Bury to play its full part in reducing plastic waste, thanks to a move from the team of Lib Dem Councillors .

The Council agreed to look at its own use of us ‘single use plastics’, work with local retailers and crucially to play its part on helping residents reduce plastic waste where they can.

The Liberal Democrat team of Councillors brought a motion on Reducing Plastic Waste to the last Full Council meeting at the Town Hall. Thankfully the motion was supported by other parties and is now the policy of the Council.

Lib Dem Councillor Tim Pickstone said:
“We are using plastic and producing plastic waste at an completely unsustainable level. Not only are we using up a finite resource, but we’re polluting our environment and filing our sees with plastic waste which will be there for 100s of years.

300 million tons of new plastic is made each year, half of which is for single use plastic such as packaging and convenience foods. In many cases, such as plastic straws, takeaway food containers and coffee cups, there are practical alternatives available that are either reusable or sustainable. Estimates have shown that by 2050 there would be more plastic in the seas than fish if we don’t change soon.

“Retailer and government need to do play their part. We’re shown what can be done with a simple change through the ‘plastic bag levy’ which has meant an 85% reduction in single use plastic bags since it was introduced. Now we need to go further. It is almost impossible to go to one of our local supermarkets and not come out with unwanted and unrecyclable plastic packaging.

“Bury Council has a proud record of helping local residents recycle, now we need to go one step further and help residents reduce the amount we use and waste. The Government’s own target of removing non-essential single-use plastic in 25 years is woefully unambitious. Bury can and should do much better”

A&E doctors warn NHS patients dying in hospital corridors

Patients are dying in hospital corridors because of NHS underfunding, a group of A&E doctors has warned in a letter to Theresa May.

In their unprecedented warning, the doctors told the prime minister that more than 120 patients a day were being managed in corridors in some hospitals, with “some dying prematurely” because staff were so busy.

Theresa May must listen to this heart-breaking intervention and end the government’s chronic underfunding of the NHS.

The NHS needs an urgent cash injection so it can provide more hospital beds.

The Liberal Democrats have a clear plan to give the NHS and care an extra £6bn of funding by putting a penny on income tax.

We are also calling for a cross-party convention to find a long-term solution to the growing pressures facing the NHS and social care.