Happy Movember – More than just a moustache!


The month of November (aka Movember) is when thousands of men across the nation will start growing some splendid facial hair.

Moustaches are great but it’s important we remember what it’s all about too. Movember was created to help men live longer healthier lives by drawing attention to some of the most common illnesses that regularly affect men’s lives. At this time of year your local Lib Dem team want to bring to your attention some things that might help your health.

The Movember foundation does fantastic work to help prevent prostate cancer, testicular cancer and to raise awareness of mental health and prevent suicide.

If you notice something, do something.

You know your body better than anyone else. If something feels wrong get to the doctor. Both Prostate Cancer and Testicular Cancer can be treated more successfully the earlier they’re found. Don’t risk it, go to the doctor.

Mental Health matters.

The Liberal Democrats have been working hard for years to promote good mental health, including making minimum waiting times legally binding. We need more funding for mental health but we also need a more public more honest conversation.

People from every walk of life can suffer from poor mental health and too few keep quiet about it. It’s estimated that 1 in 4 people in the UK will have mental health problems in their lives. You are not alone!

Treat it like you would a physical injury and go to the doctor.

Find out more about Movember here.