Reporting Back – Full Council 10 September 2014

Last Wednesday was the regular meeting of Bury’s ‘Full Council’, the main meeting of the Council for all 51 councillors.

There was a few changes to the seating arrangements, as two Labour councillors are no longer Labour councillors and are sitting as independents – more information on Cllr Matt Bailey’s blog here.

Residents Petition – Three-Weekly Bin Collections
Well over the 2,500 signatures required from local residents to trigger a special debate in Council had been made on a petition against three-weekly bin collections.

I had been expecting a lively debate on this important issue that is clearly of huge interest to local people. Amazingly, because the member of the public who was down to open the debate wasn’y there at the start of the debate the debate didn’t happen and we just moved on.

Obviously it would be wrong to question the decision of the Mayor on this issue (in Full Council meetings the Mayor is always right….), but it does seem strange to me that this is the procedure – bit of a democratic ‘fail’ given how many people signed the petition.

Changes to Rules
Yet again at this Council meeting I was not allowed to ask a question to the Leader of the Council under the ‘written questions’ section of the agenda. (Because I’m the only Liberal Democrat councillor my questions are put to the bottom of the list, and invariably we run out of time before we get to them.)

The Council did agree a rule change, so three out of every four questions asked to the (Labour) Council Leader will be from other Labour councillors, and only one in four from the main opposition Conservatives. (Lib Dems and independents remain at the end of the list.) I am not sure this is the best form of democratic scrutiny which we need in all forms of local government, whichever party is in charge. Apparently the rules for ‘single’ members like me will be reviewed soon, but very soon we will be half way through the current council year, so I’m not sure what is taking so long!

I did ask two questions in writing (which didn’t get answered verbally), and I’ll be able to report on these when the written answers make it to the Council website – more next week.

Verbal Questions
I did get to ask a verbal question, which I asked about the proposed closure of most Children’s Centres, including one in the heart of Holyrood Ward which I represent (Toodle Hill).

I asked how a ‘targetted service’ using outreach was somehow going to be MORE benficial for less better off families, than having an open access Children’s Centre on their doorsteps. There was a long answer – the Council clearly think it does – but a lot more to find out on this issue and to say during the consultation process.

Two motions, one from Labour about the underfunding of NHS Bury. I fully support the need for Bury to be fairly funded and we have always consistently agreed to take part in all-party approaches to Government (this Government and the last Labour Government) on underfunding of Bury services.

I wasn’t however prepared to accept the typical ‘Labour’ words about NHS funding. Labour called for more money to be invested in the NHS – fine sentiments,  yet their own Party won’t commit to even preserving NHS funding at the current level should they be elected in 2015 (Lib Dems ARE committed to increasing NHS funding by inflation for the whole of the next Parliament).

A second motion from the Conservatives raised the issue of looking for alternative models to deliver Council services. Given the current pressures I was happy to support looking at other models, as all Parties are.

Hope that is helpful, full papers are here:

Cllr Tim Pickstone


Five new laws for a greener Britain

The Liberal Democrat manifesto will include plans for five new laws to protect the environment, it has been announced.

The manifesto plans include include legal targets for clean air and water, an end to dirty coal power stations and an ambitious decarbonisation target for the electricity sector.

Liberal Democrats in government have worked hard to keep the environment at the top of the agenda. The party wants to go further and build on their achievements in Government in areas including Britain’s rise in renewable energy, the Green Investment Bank and record investment in our railways.

The plans include new rights to access green space, new marine and coastal reserves, the roll out of an electric vehicle charging point network, ambitious waste reduction plans and new regulations to boost energy efficiency and renewable heat to cut energy bills.


The five green laws are:

  1. A Nature Bill: key measures include legal targets for biodiversity, clean air, clean water and access to green space, extending the Right to Roam and establishing new marine and coastal reserves.
  2. A Heating and Energy Efficiency Bill: key measures include building on the Green Deal with a national programme to raise the energy efficiency standards for all Britain’s households.  We will legislate to boost renewable and district heating programmes and heat saving standards.
  3. A Zero Waste Britain Bill: key measures include establishing a “Stern Report” on resource use, with binding targets and a clear action plan to reduce waste and end biodegradable landfill.
  4. A Zero Carbon Britain Bill: key measures include introducing a decarbonisation target for electricity generation, expanding the powers of the Green Investment Bank and banning electricity generated from unabated coal.
  5. A Green Transport Bill: key measures include establishing a full network of charging points for electric cars, only allowing low emission vehicles on the roads from 2040 and reforming planning law to ensure new developments are designed around walking, cycling and public transport.

Liberal Democrat Secretary of State for Energy and Climate Change Secretary Ed Daveysaid:

“The environment has always been a top priority for the Liberal Democrats and while we have achieved a huge amount on our green agenda in the Coalition, it’s hardly a secret that this has been one of the biggest areas of tension.

“Liberal Democrats see our duty to protect our environment for future generations as a central political and moral challenge. This is not something we can, or should, try and sidestep. In this Parliament, we’ve made a big step forward particularly on green energy, but other areas have not seen such progress. So we want to use the next Parliament to make a major leap forward on the environmental agenda across the board.

“Our five green laws will focus on a range of environmental issues that people really care about – air quality for health, access to green space and tree planting. And we want to make it as easy as possible to go green and by introducing higher new standards, industries from construction through to waste, heating and transport will have to help us all become more sustainable – as many leading, innovating firms are already doing.

“Between now and next May, the Liberal Democrats will be putting forward these new green ideas and asking people for their views so we can finalise them for our General Election manifesto.

“While everyone knows the Tories have been an obstacle to our greener vision, people have forgotten that Labour simply failed to deliver on these important areas when they were in government.

“So the choice is clear: if you care about the environment and want to see a greener, cleaner Britain then only the Liberal Democrats can deliver this in Government for you.”​

Lib Dems win vote to reform the bedroom tax

The Liberal Democrats have taken the first step in reforming the bedroom tax by winning a crucial vote in Parliament.

Under the proposals, which were passed in the House of Commons, existing tenants will not be penalised when they cannot move into smaller accommodation because this is not available or where there is a serious medical reason for an additional room.

Our plans mean that any financial penalty would go to the housing provider rather than the individual claimant. The new system would incentivise social landlords to reduce the number of tenants under-occupying their homes, freeing up bigger properties for larger families.

To find out more about the reforms, click here.


These proposed changes to the policy have been supported by a number of organisations including Shelter, The Joseph Rowntree Foundation, Crisis, Oxfam and the Disability Benefits Consortium

However, Conservatives have stated publicly that they oppose reforms to bedroom tax and although Labour support the removal of the spare room subsidy, they have not indicated that they would also change the rules for the private sector.

Under-21s to get bus pass discount

All 16-21 year olds in England will get a 66% discount on bus travel under plans unveiled by the Liberal Democrats.

The proposal, which forms part of the pre-manifesto launched today, would see all 16-21 year olds would be given a Young Person’s Bus Pass. It would help young people with the cost of travel by offering a minimum two thirds discount on bus travel in England. Bus companies would then be able to add their own discounts on top of that.

Liberal Democrats plan to pay for it by abolishing TV licenses and Winter Fuel Payments to pensioners who qualify as higher rate taxpayers.


Commenting on the new policy, Nick Clegg said:

“Liberal Democrats are committed to building a stronger economy and a fairer society, enabling people to get on in life, which is why we are introducing a Young Person’s Bus Pass which will cover at least two thirds of travel for all young people aged 16-21.

“We do not believe it is fair that some young people are hit in the pocket while others have a free ride. That is why we want to level the playing field so that all young men and women can get where they need to go

“The Young Person’s Bus Pass will ensure that young people looking to access education or training can do so in an affordable way, and I hope that bus companies will top up that discount to something even more generous.

“Young people are required to stay in school until they are 18, but we haven’t done enough to give them the support that they need to do that – literally to help them get from A to B

“I know there are people who say you mustn’t touch so-called universal pensioner benefits because politically it’s too risky. We don’t agree: what are effectively benefits for the rich and retired cannot be justified when there are so many young people struggling to get on their feet.”

Liberal Democrats launch 2015 pre-manifesto


Liberal Democrats have unveiled the party’s pre-manifesto, which sets out out the vision for Britain in the next Parliament

The policies in the pre-manifesto, which has spreading opportunity for the next generation at its heart, will be debated and voted on by our members at the upcoming Party Conference in Glasgow.

Liberal Democrats in government have played an essential role in rescuing Britain’s economy, creating more than 1m jobs and bringing the economy back to growth.

We are proud of this record of delivery and the pre-manifesto document sets out our promise of more in the next. Our focus will be on a ‘manifesto for the next generation’ with a host of policies aimed at improving opportunities for children and young people, including plans to expand free childcare to all two year olds, introduce free school meals for all primary school children and triple the early years pupil premium.

A summary of some of the key points in the pre-Manifesto is below. If you would like to read the full document, please click here.

Are you able to help our colleagues in Frome?

During the last set of local election our Liberal Democrat colleagues from Frome in Somerset came up to help our campaigning in Bury. Now Damon Hooton who was in Holyrood and St Mary’s wards on polling day is standing in a County Council By-Election on 25 September. It’s going to be a close election so anything you can do to help would make a huge difference. It would be fantastic if we could help repay the Damon and the Frome Liberal Democrats’ generosity by making some phone calls for them. If you can help, the VPB code can be found here:

Equally, if you fancy a trip to Somerset, please contact Damon on 07850 681163! Some activists from Bury may be going down for Poling Day please let Victor know on 07977240568 if you may be able to join them.

Free school meals for all primary pupils

Liberal Democrats in government are delivering free school meals for all infant school pupils – now we plan to go one step further and extend the scheme to all primary school pupils.

Following evaluation of this policy, the free school meals scheme would be extended, as resources allow, while ensuring that school food standards apply to all schools, including free schools and academies.


The benefits of free school meals is clear. Pilot areas show that where children were given a free school lunch, they were academically months ahead of their peers elsewhere.

Extending the scheme would make sure that every primary pupil gets a healthy meal in the middle of the school day, boosting their education, health and saving parents money.

Liberal Democrats are making sure that every child gets a fair start in life. Our pupil premium has given schools extra money targeted at the children who need the most help. We have expanded free early years education and introduced free school lunches for all infant school children.

Get the facts about free school meals here.

Prestwich – Manchester Cycle Way

In 2013 the Government granted monies to Greater Manchester which will allow for a £20 million investment (over two years) in cycling infrastructure. The aim is to increase the percentage of journeys that are made in the county by bike.

One of the first aspects of this investment is a proposed Manchester – Prestwich cycle route, which links the city centre to Prestwich and Middleton ending in Heaton Park.

The proposed route goes from Heaton Park and uses quieter roads and some new ‘cycle only’ paths through Collyhurst and the Irk Valley towards the city centre.

Screenshot 2014-08-27 10.17.32

There is also some discussion (and some Government money) for improvements on the Prestwich side of the border, but more information to follow on these as the scheme is developed.

On the main route to Manchester Bury Liberal Democrats have already made a number of comments but would be interested to hear from other people – both cyclists and potential cyclists on the proposals. Let us know your views by emailing

This investment is a great opportunity but it is important we get it right!

Save our Children’s Centres

Bury Council will tonight (Wednesday 3 September 2014) consider a proposal to close EIGHT of the borough’s Children’s Centres.


Currently the service is a ‘universal’ service (i.e. anyone can make use of the services), but if the proposals happen the the only service that would be offered would be a ‘targeted’ service – i.e. for those people who are identified as being most in need.

The proposal is that seven of the eight Children’s Centres would be rented out to nursery operators to run as nurseries.

The government is extending the current nursery provision to offer 15 hours of nursery care for less well off families so the Council have identified a need for more nurseries.

We are extremely concerned by these proposals. It’s great about the child care guarantee from Government, but Children’s Centres have only been open a few years in Prestwich, but many families have found them a great service to help give children a good start in life.

Cllr Tim Pickstone said “Toolde Hill is actually the ONLY council run facility in Holyrood Ward, and one of the few community venues we have which seems a great shame to lose. We are very concerned that parents and families in most need will not make the journey to Sedgley Park to use services which is significantly less convenient to people than Cuckoo Lane.”

A campaign group has been set up oppose the proposals which, if agreed, will see a twelve week ‘consultation’ period.

Find out more and add your support at their Facebook Page here.

Read the Bury Times article on the subject here.

Members update: Summer Barbecue, Members Meeting, PPCs Selection and Congratulations!

Bury Liberal Democrats Annual Summer Barbecue 
Our Annual Summer Barbecue is this Sunday (31 August) at Donal and Joanne O’Hanlon’s home, 15 Lowther Close, Prestwich M25 9LN from 4.00-7.00pm.
 Come and join us on in a friendly and informal barbecue and catch up with friends old and new. All welcome – friends, family etc! Tickets for the food are £5 per person (children free). Any donations of drink or raffle prizes welcome. If you can let Donal know that you are coming that would be helpful so we know how much to put on the grill! or 07897 360130
Parliamentary candidates selection and Members meeting
Just a quick reminder as well that the selection of Parliamentary Candidates for Bury North and Bury South is on Monday 29 September 2014 at 7.00pm Venue TBC (details nearer the time). Our next members meeting is an important meeting as we will be selecting our Parliamentary Candidates for the 2015 General Election for both Bury North and Bury South constituencies. The meeting will also be an opportunity to update members on our current campaigns and strategy for the elections in 2015. The meeting is only open to members of the Liberal Democrats – but if you’re not a member and would like to be then you can join for as little as £1 a month (50p a month for people on benefits and £1 a year for young people/students). Join online at or on the night.
Congratulations to Richard and Tamsin!
Just to let everyone know that our former Councillor Richard Baum and his wife Tamsin have just had a second baby daughter. Bonnie Abigail Thomson born on 21 August 2014. Congratulations to Richard and Tam from all of us in Bury!